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Sound box divider - Structure of sound box divider

source:Industry News release time:2022-10-12 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XQ42 Bar speaker wholesaler

  The speaker divider adopts the following structure, which is specifically analyzed: the circuit connecting the tweeter: let the current flow through the capacitor first to prevent the low frequency and let the high frequency pass through, and the horn is connected in parallel with a coil to generate a negative voltage, so the voltage is just a voltage compensation for the tweeter, so the sound current can be approximately restored realistically.

  Connect the circuit of the woofer: the current flows through the coil first, so that the high frequency part is blocked, while the low frequency section passes smoothly because the coil has almost no blocking effect. Similarly, the woofer is connected with a capacitor in parallel, that is, the capacitor generates a voltage at the high frequency to compensate for the lost voltage. The principle is the same as that of the tweeter.

  It can be seen that the horn divider makes full use of the characteristics of capacitors and coils to achieve frequency division. However, the coil and capacitor still consume voltage in the frequency band that is blocked by them, so the circuit frequency divider will lose some sound, and there are many compensation measures. Because the author is not knowledgeable enough, it is difficult to say clearly. The electronic frequency division solves this problem. When the sound is input to the power amplifier, the frequency division is carried out first, and then the special amplification circuit is used to amplify the different frequency bands. In this way, the sound distortion is small and the restoration is realistic.

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