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How to tune?Audio equipment for ktv

source:Industry News release time:2022-04-16 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD12 Brand bar audio Vendor

  ①The sequence of turning on and off the device

  From audio source devices (CD players, DVD players, etc.), audio processing devices (effects, etc.) to power amplifiers to TV sets and projectors. The sequence is reversed when shutting down, the power amplifier should be turned off first. This operation can prevent the impact of switching on and off the equipment, and prevent the power amplifier and speakers from being burned.


  A. The volume of the power amplifier [microphone (including fine-tuning), music] potentiometer is adjusted to the appropriate position.

  B. The sound quality compensation knobs are placed in the middle position.

  C. First test the sensitivity and dynamic performance of the microphone, and then add reverberation and accompaniment music to sing. After the reverberation process, the singing should be more rounded, plump and layered than the original song, with a sense of presence.

  D. Test accompaniment music: The accompaniment music is turned on to the normal working volume; however, it should be noted that the volume is moderately pleasing to the ear, and it is easy to make people tired and unbearable if the loudness is too large. (The tuner should listen to the effects in different positions. For example, the stereo image, sound quality, etc., the tracks played should be familiar ones). The requirements for the music effect should be strong and aesthetic, the treble should not be harsh, the bass should not be turbid, and the singing should be clear, such as the sibilance of a female voice, but it should not be too heavy.

  E. Pay attention to the original singing voice when singing formally.

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