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About the application of sound exciter.Car stereo Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-12-03 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XQ48 Bar sound bar Merchant

  The design purpose of the exciter is to restore the lost harmonic components of the audio signal, effectively expand the high-frequency bandwidth and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, thereby improving the clarity and expressiveness of sound reproduction. Moreover, the level of these harmonics is very low and has almost no effect on the signal level. Because the exciter has the above advantages, using it to process the signal can improve the sound quality. The specific applications are as follows:

  (1) Increase the loudness of the sound: Although the exciter only adds about 0.5dB of harmonic components to the sound, it actually sounds like the volume has increased by about 10dB. Using the psychoacoustic characteristics of people, we can make the sound The system is better played, and the acoustic feedback of the microphone can also be appropriately reduced.

  (2) Increasing the sound penetration: using exciters can improve the clarity, intelligibility and expressiveness of the sound. The overall feeling is: increasing the penetration of the sound! And it makes the sound more pleasing to the ears. On the basis of increasing the sound loudness, it can also effectively reduce auditory fatigue.

  (3). Increase the spatial and three-dimensional sense of the sound: After using the exciter, it can improve the positioning and layering of the sound, and it can also improve the sound quality of the reproduced sound. Because it can well increase the overtones in the sound, and the exciter with low frequency extension function can improve the bass sound quality, the frequency range, dynamic range, loudness, etc. of the sound after using the exciter are obvious The overall feeling is: the spatial and three-dimensional sound of the sound is increased!

  (4) Improve the tone of analog tape duplication: The sound signal of analog tape will lose a lot of high-frequency harmonic components during transmission and recording. At this time, we can use the exciter to compensate for the high-frequency harmonics of the signal. Create a certain treble component again, which can better improve the sound quality.

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