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How to choose speakers from the technical parameters

source:Industry News release time:2022-03-14 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  MST 10Sound bar sales

  Now the speaker market is relatively chaotic, and prices are flying all over the sky, ranging from a few thousand to as high as tens of thousands of yuan, so how to choose a suitable speaker? Before buying a speaker, you must first clarify your own needs. There are many rookies who think that expensive is suitable. In fact, many people can only listen to the music that the business puts you to listen to and feel the effect, but the technical parameters are I don't understand at all. The following professional audio manufacturers in Shenzhen have more than ten years of experience in professional audio to tell you about these things and how to choose the right speaker for you. The following is just a brief introduction to the technical parameters, mainly from the aspects of sound effect technology, frequency response range, sensitivity, power, signal-to-noise ratio, distortion, and impedance.

  1. Sound technology

  Hardware 3D audio technology is now more common, such as SRS, APX, Q-SOUND and Virtaul Dolby. Although they have different implementation methods, they can all make people feel obvious three-dimensional effects. for common.

  2. Frequency Response Range

  The frequency response range we are talking about here is the frequency range and frequency response. The former refers to the range between the lowest effective playback frequency and the highest effective playback frequency of the speaker system; the latter refers to a constant voltage output audio frequency When the signal is connected to the system. This technical indicator is an important parameter to examine the performance of a speaker, and this has a direct relationship with the performance and price of the speaker, so you should pay special attention when buying speakers, but now there are many professional audio manufacturers who are false, so it is still To listen carefully, be sure to listen carefully.

  3. Power

  This parameter is also quite confusing. To put it bluntly, power refers to how powerful the sound from the speaker can be. This power has two kinds of labels, rated power and maximum withstand power (instantaneous power or peak power PMPO). This will not be explained in detail, just go to the search and you will know. Under normal circumstances, in order to cater to consumer psychology, merchants usually set the music power very high, so when purchasing speakers, the rated power shall prevail. It is hereby stated that the higher the power, the better, the fit is the best, and it is calculated according to the area.

  4. Sensitivity

  This indicator refers to the sound pressure level measured at a place one meter in front of the vertical center axis of the speaker plane when a 1W/1kHz signal is input to the speaker input. The unit of sensitivity is decibel (DB). For every 3dB difference in the sensitivity of the speaker, the output sound pressure is doubled. The sensitivity of the ordinary speaker is in the range of 85 to 90dB, the sensitivity of the speaker below 85dB is low sensitivity, and the sensitivity of the speaker above 90dB is high sensitivity. Usually, the sensitivity of the speaker is slightly lower.

  5. Impedance

  This indicator refers to the ratio of the voltage to the current of the input signal. The input impedance of speakers is generally divided into two types: high impedance and low impedance. Generally, those higher than 16 ohms are high impedance, and those lower than 8 ohms are low impedance. The standard impedance of speakers is 8 ohms. The nominal impedance of speakers on the market is 4 ohms, 5 ohms, 6 ohms, 8 ohms, 16 ohms, etc. Although this indicator has nothing to do with the performance of the speakers, Shenzhen professional audio manufacturers suggest that it is best not to buy low-impedance speakers. , the recommended value is standard 8 ohms, this is because in the case of the same power amplifier and output power, low-impedance speakers can obtain larger output power, but the impedance is too low will cause under-damping and bass degradation and other phenomena.

  6. Signal-to-noise ratio

  This indicator refers to the ratio of the normal sound signal to the noise signal played back by the speaker. The signal-to-noise ratio is low, the noise is serious when the small signal is input, and the sound in the entire sound range becomes obviously turbid and unclear, and I don't know what sound is issued, which seriously affects the sound quality. Speakers with a signal-to-noise ratio below 80dB (including subwoofers below 60dB) are not recommended by Shenzhen professional audio manufacturers.

  7. Distortion

  The definition of the distortion degree of the speaker is basically the same as the distortion degree of the amplifier. The difference is that the amplifier inputs an electrical signal and outputs an electrical signal, while the speaker inputs an electrical signal and outputs a sound wave signal. Therefore, the distortion of the speaker refers to the distortion of the electro-acoustic signal conversion. The allowable range of sound wave distortion is within 10%, and the average human ear is not sensitive to distortion within 5%. Don't buy speakers with more than 5% distortion.

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