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Professional mixer - the role of the mixer in the audio system.ktv audio home

source:Industry News release time:2022-05-23 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  Professional mixer - the role of the mixer in the audio system.ktv audio home(图1)

  The mixer (Mixer), also known as the mixing console, will amplify, mix, distribute, modify the sound quality and process the sound effects of the multi-channel input signal, and then output it through the bus (Master). The mixer is an important equipment for broadcasting and recording programs in modern radio broadcasting, stage amplification, audio program production and other systems. Mixers can be divided into analog mixers and digital mixers according to signal processing methods.

  Professional mixers have differences in the number of input channels, the number of panel function keys, and output indications. In fact, to master the use of mixers, it is necessary to inspect it as a whole. Through actual operation and connection, natural practice makes perfect. The mixer is divided into three parts: the input part, the bus part, and the output part. The bus section connects the input section and the output section to form the entire mixing console.

  Professional power amplifier - the role of power amplifier in audio

  The function of the power amplifier is to amplify the weak signal from the audio source or the pre-amplifier to promote the speaker to play. The role of a good sound system amplifier is indispensable.

  Professional power amplifier is the largest family of all kinds of audio equipment. Its function is to amplify the weaker signal input by the audio source equipment and generate enough current to promote the speaker to reproduce the sound. Due to the consideration of power, impedance, distortion, dynamics, as well as different use ranges and control and adjustment functions, different power amplifiers have different internal signal processing, circuit design and production processes.

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