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How to create the best sound-absorbing environment.Anshun Bar Audio price

source:Industry News release time:2022-04-20 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  Generally speaking, the place where we live is mostly surrounded by brick walls. This traditional brick wall, especially after being painted, is very reflective for high, medium and low frequencies, especially high frequencies; therefore, "proper" sound absorption becomes the first priority. The so-called appropriate is not to go too far, if the sound is sucked dry and without charm, it will be counterproductive. In principle, if you want to pursue the true original sound during playback, you should not be disturbed by the reflected sound, but only listen to the direct sound; this requires a complete sound absorption environment, which is not conducive to the general living environment. Generally speaking, it is often impossible, so it is usually a part of the sound absorption of the room, and some reflected sound is reserved for use.

  Usually, the number of sound-absorbing objects in a room is always more or less, which means that the best listening environment is generated in a cluttered room. Let’s talk about this kind of indefinite sound-absorbing treatment. Law. Hanging sound-absorbing materials on the surrounding walls: various soft materials, such as cotton, linen, silk, wool, or other types of fiber fabrics, wall hangings, etc. are all available. For example, hang a 1mm thick velvet (or other similar texture) curtain fabric on the wall, it can only absorb about 1/5 of the sound energy (in the mid and high frequency bands, the low frequency is worse), and the rest is reflected out, so that It can't eliminate the resonance of low frequency; the solution is: do not stick the curtain cloth close to the wall, leave a distance of about 10cm (add other sound-absorbing objects in the gap); discount the curtain cloth or hang it in multiple layers, and then use the low-frequency sound absorption A large soft sofa with good characteristics can achieve a certain effect. Generally, in a playback environment with poor sound absorption characteristics, it is not suitable to use that kind of hardwood sofa.

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