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Sound field design of professional audio.Music bar sound

source:Industry News release time:2022-04-11 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  A basic sound field design includes the treatment of sound insulation, the reduction of on-site noise, the requirements of building structure, the realization of sound uniformity, the avoidance of sound vibration, focusing, feedback and other problems, indoor calculation, etc., and the following categories will be analyzed.

  To give a similar example: we all know the relationship between the speaker unit and the cabinet in the speaker. Many people have learned from famous foreign audio manufacturers including frequency dividers, but they can't make a good speaker anyway. The main reason is that It is the problem of the acoustic structure of the box that has not been solved. The design of the sound field in professional audio engineering is as important as the design of the box when making speakers. The design of a good sound field is as important as the design of the box when making speakers. A good sound field It will give full play to the advantages of audio equipment and make people sound very comfortable, while an unreasonable sound field will not only give people a wonderful sound experience, but also reduce the performance level of the equipment. Of course, due to the level of architectural decoration And the limitation of users' understanding of sound engineering, many projects contact the sound construction unit very late, so that the sound field design cannot be carried out completely, and the sound field design must rely on architectural decoration to achieve, so a large number of sound engineering is lacking. Sound field design is essential, and only when the sound design and construction unit fully recognizes the importance of sound field design can users realize its importance.

  A basic sound field design includes the treatment of sound insulation, the reduction of on-site noise, the requirements of building structure, the realization of sound uniformity, the avoidance of sound vibration, focusing, feedback and other problems, indoor calculation, etc., and the following categories will be analyzed.

  Professional Audio

  (1) Treatment of sound insulation

  In order to create a quiet sound field and avoid affecting the units and residents in the surrounding environment, at the beginning of the sound field design, the sound insulation treatment should be considered first in order to provide a good congenital condition for the sound field. The sound insulation treatment involves buildings. Sound insulation from the outside world, and sound insulation of rooms in the building; the parts of sound insulation include: sound insulation of partition walls, sound insulation of doors and windows, and sound insulation of ceilings connected to rooms at the top.

  For sound insulation from the outside world, the general building structure can meet the basic sound insulation requirements, but if the need for sound engineering is not considered at all in the architectural design, it is necessary to investigate the sound insulation situation, and if necessary, it should be reported to the architectural design. Consult the unit and ask the public security organ about the local noise restrictions. Usually, the height of the floor should not be used for sound insulation between rooms. If the walls are too thin, it will bring certain difficulties to the project. At this time, it is necessary to negotiate with the decoration unit to add a layer to the wall during decoration. It is used to solve the sound insulation of medium and high frequency.

  It is difficult to completely solve the sound insulation of the low frequency band, because there is no other more effective method except increasing the weight of the sound insulator. Doors and windows are the weak link of sound insulation treatment. Improve the production quality of doors and windows, use leather-wrapped doors and double-glazed windows if necessary, or add isolation channels outside the doors and hang heavy double-layer curtains on the windows, etc. It is also critical for the sound insulation of the ceiling of the room connected to the top. Especially in some large-scale entertainment venues built in recent years, the sound of the hall has a great impact on the surrounding private rooms, and part of the interference comes from the ceiling. This part of the sound insulation plan cannot be proposed too late, otherwise it will be difficult Therefore, sound designers are required to ask questions to the decoration unit as soon as possible to coordinate a feasible plan, such as: covering the ceiling with a layer of fireproof and sound-absorbing cotton or adding a layer of suspended ceiling at a certain distance above the ceiling, etc. In short, the project The sound insulation treatment is of great significance. It is necessary to improve the quality of the project and to facilitate the normal use of users. At the same time, attention should be paid to carefully considering whether the sound insulation treatment is necessary and whether the treatment method is feasible. Otherwise, some unnecessary work and expenses will be added.

  (2) On-site noise reduction

  Many people do not pay attention to the background noise of the scene, but they all put forward corresponding requirements in the relevant national standards, such as: the first-class karaoke hall should be less than 35dB, and the first-class disco should be less than 40dB. The reason is: the increase of background noise The large response will reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the sound reinforcement system and affect the quality of the project. In order to effectively solve this problem, the sound insulation mentioned above should be limited, for example: whether the noise of the air outlet of the central air conditioner can be solved by the installation unit; the exhaust fan noise, size, proper installation location, etc.

  (3) In the case of building structure

  It should be said that the general sound is not capable of designing the building structure according to its own intentions, but for the part of the situation where the project quality requirements are strict and the construction project belongs to the reconstruction of the structure, it is necessary for sound designers to put forward corresponding requirements as much as possible. The ratio of length, width and height of the structural part, the shape of the wall, and the location of the control room have been mentioned in the previous master plan. Here we mainly talk about some local structural conditions of the building related to the project installation. , First of all, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the construction unit for the load-bearing capacity of the wall or roof that needs to be hoisted in the audio project, especially when the weight of the light shed is large, the hoisting safety is more important; The room structure, the location of the pre-embedded pipelines, and the outlet have a more detailed understanding, so as to facilitate the possible insertion of pipes and wiring construction, and then to understand the weak links of the internal structure of the building, and to find out what the landlord can change and where. no.

  (4) Realization of sound uniformity

  The concept of sound uniformity is generally not very clear, and there is not much consideration in the project. Is it not important, right? No, it is not only important, but also very important. For example, you go to an entertainment hall and find that the sound conditions are different in different places. In some places, the music is very pleasant, and in some places it seems to be flawed, and the sound is erratic. ; Another example: the volume in the front stage area is loud, while the audience at the back says the sound is low (of course, some entertainment halls are specially designed to make the audience relax in the rear area). These phenomena are all caused by poor uniformity. In the standard, it is represented by the concept of sound field unevenness. Generally, the deviation of the test value of the field pressure level at each point is required to be less than 2dB. How to achieve a uniform sound field? First of all, there should be no obvious defects in the building structure. For example, there should not be too many columns in the room, and the walls should avoid arcs with traps, especially the wall on the stage side should not have large-shaped structures; There are large sound shadow areas, etc., but since a large number of changes cannot be made to meet these requirements after the decoration is completed in the later stage of the construction of the building structure, the experience should be used as much as possible in the sound engineering, and the sound reinforcement area should be arranged skillfully to avoid the sound reinforcement area. Large defect structure, reduce their influence to the maximum; secondly, it can provide some simple solutions to improve the sound diffusion effect to the decorative unit in a timely and effective manner, for example: all concert halls have a good sound diffusion effect, the reason It is because a large number of sound diffusers of various shapes are used inside, and these structures can be completed by some simple decoration methods, so as long as the method is appropriate, it should be able to achieve better results. It is not easy to design a reasonable and appropriate quantity. Generally, a more economical and feasible method is to use the method of wall cement brushing. Although this method is relatively old and not very beautiful, it can play a very important role in the sound diffusion of the hall. It is effective, and the sound system is reasonably arranged, especially the placement of the speakers must be strictly required. It would be better if the computer design software provided by some speaker manufacturers can be used to simulate the sound field in the design. No, you should actually adjust until the live soundstage*.

  (5) Avoidance of vibration, focus and feedback

  For the problems of poor sound reinforcement caused by sound vibration, sound focusing, and sound feedback, some people can only generally say that the sound effect is not good, and they are all attributed to the equipment. This is not appropriate. In fact, they should all belong to the sound field. category, usually these problems do not occur all the time, so they often cannot be paid enough attention in general engineering. Even if these problems occur, many people do not realize that it is caused by the unreasonable sound field, or they know that the sound field is caused by the unreasonable sound field. The hospital is unreasonable, and there is no way to solve it. For example, the sound system works normally, but occasionally a rhythmic "pump" or "hum" sound like a pulse can be heard at the scene. Usually it is most likely to occur somewhere in the middle and low frequency bands. When the hall is large, the sound is separated from the direct sound for a long time, which makes people sound very uncomfortable. This is sound vibration. The reason is: the sound is relatively parallel in the hall The walls are reflected back and forth, and the reflection of the walls is very strong, so it is difficult to weaken the sound energy, so it is required to check whether there are two large-area parallel surfaces with strong reflection in the hall at any time when decorating, and whether there are too many parallel surfaces. There are many glass and stainless steel structures, because these things that are common to the decoration unit may cause problems; the curved surface where the sound focusing occurs is placed on some large decorative items or hanging curtains, curtains, etc. The possibility of low sound focusing; the early prevention of acoustic feedback is difficult, and the frequency of feedback cannot be accurately predicted during design, but the prevention of acoustic feedback is more important for practical applications, so it is possible to rely on the early design of decorative materials. When selecting, analyze its sound absorption coefficient at different frequency points, and make a rough judgment with reference to the calculation of reverberation time, so as to provide necessary reference for construction and debugging. Equipment debugging to improve, generally after the completion of the project, use a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer to detect the indigo points in the sound reinforcement area, and use the repeated debugging of the equipment to make up for the lack of sound field.

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