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What are the good audio equipment in the professional audio system

source:Industry News release time:2022-12-17 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  What are the characteristics of good audio equipment in the eyes of experts? What is a good audio device? Different people have different opinions. Even professionals can give different understandings. The following are the standards and features of good audio equipment collected by Jazz Dragon audio manufacturers for your reference.

  1、 Good speaker. From a scientific and objective perspective, a good speaker is one with wide frequency response, high sensitivity, high power, curve balance and phase alignment. A good sound (system) is one in which the sound box is matched with the power amplifier, the front stage still maintains "consistent phase, and the frequency response curve is balanced and natural", and the subjective listening sense is bright, clear, soft and natural when the music is replayed.

  The wide frequency response of the speaker has strong expressive force, high sensitivity makes it easy to sound, high power makes it more stable and safe, the curve is balanced, and the phase connection is reasonable and appropriate, which will not cause distortion due to internal energy consumption, so that it can truly and naturally reproduce all kinds of sounds, and the sound has a strong sense of hierarchy, good separation, bright, clear and soft. In addition to being easy to push, the speaker with high sensitivity and high power is more important because its zui loud pressure level within the stable and safe state range can "push the crowd", and the required sound pressure level can be obtained without too much power driving.

  In terms of subjective evaluation, due to different personalities, cultural accomplishments, artistic cognition, preferences and standards, people have different opinions and different descriptions.

  Our comprehensive subjective assessment is that a good speaker is "loud and shocking, but bright and clear without jarring, mellow, natural and flexible".

  As a private room speaker, the requirements of "good singing, durable singing, durable (able to Hi) and strong sense of encirclement" must be added.

  2、 Good amplifier. The criteria for a good power amplifier are reasonable efficiency, appropriate damping coefficient, wide frequency response, strong voltage transformation capability, normal balance of output waveform, high signal to noise ratio, low distortion, and strong analytical (analytical) force. When such amplifier is matched with a well balanced sound box, its sound appears clean, clear, well separated, and has a clear sense of hearing.

  Of course, the power amplifier, like the voice coil of the speaker, will produce very high temperature during its operation, so it must have reasonable circuits, high-quality components and good heat dissipation devices.

  With the above conditions and the soft, clear and "transparent" sound quality that can be produced with the speakers, and can work stably, it is a high-quality amplifier.

  3、 Good previous level. An important indicator of a good pre stage is that the reverberation chip, operational amplifier and circuit are all good, with appropriate, reasonable, sufficient functions, strong adjustability, and true and natural sound.

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