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Some common faults about audio equipment.Guiyang Bar Audio wholesaler

source:Industry News release time:2022-07-05 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  I3PR Car stereo manufacture

  Friends who use audio all know that there are more or less various problems encountered in daily use. Today, Jazz Dragon manufacturers will talk to you about the common self-failures of some audio equipment;

  1. Mixer:

  1. The volume fader is not in good contact, and the sound is intermittent when working.

  2. The channel input port is faulty. For example, the input port of the old-fashioned mixer is easy to be "uprooted". When I first encountered this kind of fault, I couldn't believe my eyes.

  3. Control system disorder. In short, the failure of the mixer is nothing more than the input part, the output part, the control part, the power supply part, etc., which are generally caused by the aging of the equipment.

  2. Equalizer:

  1. The contact failure of the push-pull key of the equalizer is very common, mainly due to the aging of the equipment and the harsh environment.

  2. The internal circuit of the equalizer is faulty. I have seen some equalizers that only have one signal output, but later found that the circuit is broken, and there are not a few equalizers like this.

  3. Common self-failures such as compressors, electronic frequency dividers, professional feedback suppressors, and professional delay devices: These devices generally do not have major problems except for the serious aging of the equipment, that is, the adjustment knob and the rear panel signal jack A little problem.

  Fourth, the digital effect:

  1. Noise problem, the digital effector itself has a certain amount of digital noise when processing the audio signal. If the signal line is not well shielded, the noise will be like rain in severe cases.

  2. The core part of the digital effect device is the digital processing chip, and these digital chips also fail sometimes.

  5. Amplifier:

  1. The common faults of power amplifiers are bad capacitors or burning power amplifier tubes. This is a problem that we use, but most of them are still unstable.

  2. Some power amplifiers will have a fault with no sound in one channel, and the problem is still the internal circuit problem.

  3. The power amplifier volume potentiometer is not in good contact, the left and right channels are unbalanced, the protection function is too frequent, the rear panel work changeover switch is not in good contact, and the signal jack is not in good contact. electrical equipment.

  Six: speakers

  1. Of course, the most common fault in the speaker part is the speaker problem. It can be said that the fault that easily occurs in a sound system is to burn the speaker. Of course, this is caused by human factors, but most of it is the quality of the speaker itself.

  2. Another common fault of the speaker is the aging of the wiring port and the poor contact, especially the frequent flow of the speaker is prone to this fault.

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