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Playing with the console makes live tuning easy and convenient

source:Industry News release time:2022-12-14 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  1. The sound is dim. To improve the treble, adjust the TREBLE of the mixer;

  2. In order to highlight the voice and improve the mid-range, adjust the MID of the mixer;

  3. To enhance the sense of vibration, the bass of the mixer should be adjusted;

  4. To move the singer's audio-visual position from left to right, adjust the PAN of the mixer;

  5. PEAK indicator light of the mixing console indicates the peak value;

  6. When PEAK lamp is on for a long time, GAIN should be appropriately reduced;

  7. The signal processing of the expander is to reduce the gain of weak signals;

  8. The main function of the noise reducer is to reduce the noise of the tape. The complementary noise reducer first compresses the signal and then expands it;

  9. Among all kinds of audio signal sources, tape recorder has the worst signal-to-noise ratio;

  10. The compression ratio of the compressor is the ratio of the increased decibels of the de input level to the increased decibels of the output level;

  11. The main function of the noise gate is to reduce the noise when there is no signal;

  12. The main function of feedback suppressor is to suppress the positive feedback of sound;

  13. To make the speech clear and loud, usually press HighCut and LowCu at the same time;

  14. To change the strength and duration of bass, adjust the GIRTH and OVERHANG of the stress processing channel of the exciter;

  15. The key equipment that affects the playback sound quality of the sound system is the speaker. In addition to the speaker, the equipment that has a greater impact on the performance sound quality is the microphone;

  16. If national singing is used, LARGE HALL should be selected as the effector program;

  17. When playing disco dance music, the appropriate bass of the equalizer is strongly enhanced, and the treble is appropriately enhanced;

  18. The main division of the preamplifier and power amplifier is that the preamplifier is responsible for amplification and control, and the power amplifier is responsible for amplification;

  19. The main function of the compressor is to protect the leased speakers, which can change the characteristics of the dynamic range of the sound reinforcement system. The signal processing is to compress the variation range between the maximum level and the minimum level;

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