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Hohhot ID-X Audio Party Bar Special Audio---Mateng Audio

source:Industry News release time:2022-06-21 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  Unprecedented linkage space will be opened on July 03. With hardcore music, it will bring you the most incisive crit experience. With the great cooperation of choreography and powerful hardware system, it will subvert your imagination in this dream joint party. Sensory imagination!

  Debut is the pinnacle - DJ SALLY baby shark, you can't imagine the sweet and lovely Sally on the outside, but there is a beast in her heart. Whenever the spotlight is dimmed, when she appears on the stage, the beast will attack. As a DJ, SALLY is an undoubted topic. Queen.


Hohhot ID-X Audio Party Bar Special Audio---Mateng Audio(图1)


Hohhot ID-X Audio Party Bar Special Audio---Mateng Audio(图2)

  No matter where she performs, she can always leave a deep impression on people. She enjoys everyone's disco experience, and leads the new Brostep trend. She is well received and has countless fans. She is a real Cool Girl, and the unique and tough typhoon makes her popular There are countless fans. In just one month, the fans of the DJing video released on the social media platform immediately exceeded 30w. So far, her Douyin likes exceeded 500w+, and the cumulative number of views was 120 million. Beginning with looks, being loyal to the scene, and sighing with talent, this is the journey of many Sally fans, and her sweet and cool appearance is a corner of her forest

  DJ SALLY, as a post-zero idol producer, released the popular single "GKD!", reserve your energy, and be on the dance floor together!


Hohhot ID-X Audio Party Bar Special Audio---Mateng Audio(图3)

  ID-X CLUB uses VX90i and EVO6E, R1, F1201, R2SH, F218, BR218 of Funktion one Vero system.

  Vero's combined result is industry-leading consistency and precision, producing a large soundstage and its intimacy. Vero presents a sound stage with a great sense of space and realism, meaning artists, engineers and concertgoers can enjoy the unprecedented dynamic range and fidelity that music and sound should be rendered as.

  Shenzhen Ma Teng Audio Technology Co., Ltd. escorts Hohhot ID-X CLUB audio system!

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