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Common Human Operation Failures in Professional Audio.Recommended speakers for bars

source:Industry News release time:2022-06-10 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  Common Human Operation Failures in Professional Audio.Recommended speakers for bars(图1)

  The mixer is like the heart or brain of a sound system, so the mixer is also the audio equipment that produces the most human operation failures. The human operation failures of the mixer are generally as follows: silent, low sound, sound distortion, and loud sound Or suddenly small, serious feedback, obvious noise and so on.

  1. Mixer channel level attenuation switch

  Some mixers add a level attenuation switch of about 20dB before the gain knob. When a CD or other audio source is input from a high-impedance port, due to the high level, it may be necessary to press this switch to attenuate the audio source signal. 20dB is suitable, but if some sound engineers accidentally press this switch during the performance, the sound signal will suddenly increase by 20dB without attenuation. If it jumps up, some audio equipment will be reimbursed on the spot, so we must have a clear and definite purpose when adjusting each knob or switch, and do not operate blindly.

  2. Mixer gain adjustment

  Some sound engineers don't know the importance of channel gain, so they can adjust the knob randomly. Sometimes they turn off the gain knob, and even press the 20dB level attenuation switch at the same time. Think how small the sound will be at this time? The signal-to-noise ratio and dynamics of music cannot be talked about at all. If the microphone channel is adjusted in the same way, then the singer will only admit that he is unlucky, and even if he shouts, he will not have a high and penetrating singing voice; Some sound engineers like to adjust the gain to a very high level, which is good for music, but at best the music is hard, but the singer is miserable. A little louder is like a flood breaking through a dam, which is uncontrollable, and the high singing voice will become uncontrollable. Noisy like a broken gong or popping beans, because the signal level is too high at this time, the signal has been seriously distorted, and the microphone will often return input in this case. It can be seen that the gain is important, or it will cause an accident during the performance.

  3. Mixer equalization group adjustment

  As the name suggests, the mixer is mainly used to adjust the timbre. To adjust the timbre, it mainly depends on the equalization group. It is very simple to say that it is nothing more than high-mid bass plus a few corresponding frequency selection knobs. Under normal operation, although the timbre may not be Very good, but there will be no performance accidents, but if you twist the equalization knob at will, when the bass is added to a large amount, the burden on the entire power amplifier and speakers will be greatly increased, which may damage the equipment, and the sound will also be affected. It will be easily distorted; if the mid-range and treble are added too much, then the tweeter is dangerous. In short, the equalization knob should be raised to a certain degree, and excessive increase will cause unpredictable failures.

  4. Mixer equalization group adjustment

  We all know that AUX is mainly used to send signals to the effector. In a mixer, if we send a signal from AUX6 to the effector, after processing by the effector, if 2 channels of signals are output to 23-24 of the mixer In this case, do not turn on the AUX6 knob in the two channels 23-24, otherwise the signal processed by the effector will flow back to the effector. As a result, a loop is formed between the AUX and the effector. When the loop level gain exceeds a certain range, acoustic feedback will occur. In addition, the AUX before and after the fader should also pay attention.

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