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The technical indicators of the power amplifier.Audio equipment ktv

source:Industry News release time:2022-04-13 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  The ratio of the maximum signal level to the maximum signal level that the power amplifier can amplify without distortion is the dynamic range of the amplifier. In practical applications, the ratio uses dB to represent the level difference between the two signals, and the dynamic range of the high-fidelity amplifier should be greater than 90dB. Various noises in nature form the surrounding background noise. The surrounding background noise and the sound intensity of the performance are very different. In general, this difference in intensity is called the dynamic range. A good sound system should not produce overload distortion when a strong signal is input, and should not be overwhelmed by its own noise when a weak signal is input. To this end, a good sound system should have a large dynamic range, and the noise can only be reduced as much as possible, but it must not produce noise.


  When a signal is input to the power amplifier, when the strength of the input signal reaches a certain voltage value, the input power of the power amplifier reaches the designed rated output power value, and the voltage value of the input signal at this time is the input sensitivity voltage value of the power amplifier. Then the power amplifier sensitivity voltage selection is to let you choose whether the power amplifier will output full power when the voltage value of the input signal reaches 0.775v, or when it reaches 1.0v or 1.4v. The smaller the value selected for the sensitivity voltage value (such as 0.775v), the higher the sensitivity of the power amplifier, and the larger output can be achieved only by inputting a relatively small signal. High-sensitivity (small value) power amplifier, high power amplifier voltage amplification, low requirements for the driving ability of front-end equipment, relatively low signal-to-noise ratio, and relatively large distortion. The opposite is true for low-sensitivity amplifiers.

  Signal to Noise Ratio:

  Refers to the ratio of the signal level to the various noise levels output by the power amplifier, expressed in db, the larger the value, the better. If the signal-to-noise ratio is too low, the small signal input noise is serious, and the sound in the entire sound range becomes obviously turbid and unclear, and it is unknown what sound is issued, which seriously affects the sound quality.

  Output Impedance:

  The equivalent internal impedance exhibited by the output end of the power amplifier and the load (speaker) is called the output impedance of the power amplifier. The smaller this value is, the stronger the load capacity of the power amplifier is.

  Damping coefficient:

  The damping coefficient refers to the load impedance of the power amplifier (the internal resistance of the high-power tube plus the wiring resistance of the audio). Generally, the ratio is required to be relatively large, but not too large. If it is too large, the speaker will sound thin, and if it is too small, the sound will be turbid, the sound level will be poor, and the sound image distribution will be poor.

  Conversion rate:

  The slew rate of the power amplifier greatly affects the quality and performance of treble playback. The faster the slew rate, the better the treble sound quality, and the more accurately the fleeting high-frequency information can be captured. High-end power amplifiers can achieve a dozen to tens of V/us, and low- and mid-range power amplifiers are generally not marked. The value of this conversion rate is closely related to the design and materials used, but it should not be too high. Ultrasonic signals above 20KHz, which are inaudible to human ears, not only have no effect on improving the sound quality, but are easy to burn out the tweeter.

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