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Equipment terminology for professional audio.Bar needs sound

source:Industry News release time:2022-02-17 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  I3PR Car stereo manufacture

  rated power

  To understand the technical knowledge of audio equipment, the first term common sense to understand is this. It refers to the acceptable electrical power of the power amplifier or speaker without distortion and continuous normal operation for more than 8 hours without damage.

  Peak power

  Peak power literally means what do you think it means? In fact, it refers to the maximum strong pulse that the audio equipment can accept within 1/100 second, that is, within 10 milliseconds, without the equipment being burned. , This power is generally 8-10 times the rated power.

  Music power

  Professional audio equipment imitates the operating power when working under the state of playing music.

  We should briefly understand some of the above three points. Have we learned some common sense through our detailed introduction today? Next, let’s take a look at the two related terms of "matching" in the common sense of professional audio equipment terminology:

  Let's first look at power matching. For KTV facility management personnel, they should have a good understanding of this terminology. All KTV audio equipment must pay attention to this. From the literal meaning of the term common sense, we can understand what it means. The second is impedance matching. When KTV professional audio equipment is used, the output impedance of the power amplifier and the input impedance of the speaker must be consistent.

  Crossover point

  Although we don't know the crossover point very well, we should be very familiar with the crossover! The crossover point refers to the dividing point between the high-pass, band-pass and low-pass filters of the crossover. This acoustic term is often expressed by frequency, and its unit is hertz. When talking about this common sense of audio terminology, I will briefly share some common sense with us: in the high-bass two-way speakers we use, it has only one crossover point, while the high, medium, and low three-way speakers have Two crossover points. We also need to pay attention to the common sense that the audio crossover point should be specifically confirmed according to the frequency characteristics and power distribution of the speaker unit or audio of each frequency band.

  Peak appearance

  In this term, the peak appearance can again become the clipping appearance. When the input signal of the audio equipment we use is too strong, severe distortion will occur, which will damage the sound quality, and may even cause the equipment to burn. In order to show the excessively strong state in time, all mixers and most audio equipment are equipped with peak display. When it is flashing and the TF may always be in the bright state, it means that the input signal is too strong and it must be high-speed Signal gain.

  Peak music power

  This professional audio term refers to the ability of audio equipment to receive instantaneous strong signals. Generally, this value can be marked very high, generally 8 to 10 times the rated power of the meter.

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