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How to do maintenance work for professional audio.Large bar sound

source:Industry News release time:2022-04-12 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  A1 Car stereo manufacturer

  1. Before turning on and off the audio power supply, turn the volume potentiometer of the power amplifier to the smallest, which is an effective protection method for the power amplifier and speakers. At this time, the power amplification of the power amplifier is almost zero, at least in the case of misoperation, it will not cause harm to the speaker. Turn on from front to back when starting up, that is, turn on the CD player first, then turn on the front and rear stages, and turn the volume potentiometer of the power amplifier to the smallest when turning on. When shutting down, turn off the power amplifier first, so that the amplification function of the power amplifier is completely turned off. At this time, when you turn off the front-end equipment, no matter how large the inrush current is, the power amplifier and speakers will not be affected. Similarly, when closing the face, turn the volume potentiometer of the power amplifier to Z small, and it can be connected to the CD player before turning off or after turning it off.

  2. The machine should be used frequently. Commonly used, it can prolong the life of the machine, such as some parts with motors (recording seat, CD player, laser disc player, etc.). If it is not rotated for a long time, some parts will be deformed. Power on regularly. In the case of long-term non-use, especially in humid and high temperature seasons, it is best to power on for half an hour every day. In this way, the heat generated by the components inside the machine can be used to drive off moisture and prevent the internal coils, speaker voice coils, transformers, etc. from being damp and moldy. Wipe the surface of the machine with a clean and damp soft cotton cloth every once in a while; when not in use, cover the machine with a dust cover or cover to prevent dust from entering.

  3. The machine should be used frequently. Commonly used, it can prolong the life of the machine, such as some parts with motors (recording seat, CD player, laser disc player, etc.). If it is not rotated for a long time, some parts will be deformed. Power on regularly. In the case of long-term non-use, especially in humid and high temperature seasons, it is best to power on for half an hour every day. In this way, the heat generated by the components inside the machine can be used to drive off moisture and prevent the internal coils, speaker voice coils, transformers, etc. from being damp and moldy. Wipe the surface of the machine with a clean and damp soft cotton cloth every once in a while; when not in use, cover the machine with a dust cover or cover to prevent dust from entering.

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