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The secret of health and longevity when using professional audio.Gymnasium audio Merchant

source:Industry News release time:2021-12-25 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD18C Big sound bar Merchant

  When we use professional audio, we know the small details for familiar people, but most of the unfamiliar people, that is, the players who are just getting started, will not pay attention to some small details. However, if these habits are not well-formed, you will be prone to "fall into an eternal hatred" when using advanced or expensive equipment in the future.

  When the computer developed to the 486 and 586 era, many computer classrooms will start with the question of whether to turn on the display or the host first. As a display output device, the display not only passively receives the host signal, but also many early displays used the host to supply power. Therefore, turning on the display first and then the host will reduce the impact on the computer when the display starts.

  There is the same problem in terms of audio, except that the signal source device should be activated first when using professional audio. Usually in addition to power amplifiers, we also choose audio equipment such as disc players. When several devices are started one after another, we should pay special attention to the sequence of power-on and power-off. When starting up, you should start up the front equipment such as a disc player, and then turn on the power amplifier; when shutting down, turn off the power amplifier first and then turn off the front device. The volume of the speaker should be adjusted to Z low when shutting down, which can not only reduce the impact on the speaker when the machine is turned on and off, but also will not surprise you when you turn it on next time.

  "Small" details university asked

  Many power amplifiers, such as DSP-Z9, have one or two sockets for other devices behind them. This socket must be dedicated to a dedicated seat and cannot be used to connect other high-power devices, such as irons and other household appliances. Whether it is the socket on the back of the power amplifier or the power amplifier's own plug, plugging or unplugging will cause shock to the system and damage the body and speakers during use.

  When a lot of people buy a new speaker, they can’t restrain their excitement and try it when they want to plug it in. There is nothing wrong with the test machine, but you must be careful. When the speaker is not connected to the power amplifier, the test opportunity directly impacts the power amplifier. Circuit.

  After all, the audio is a passive device, and all the energy comes from the output of the power amplifier. If this road is not connected, if you turn on the power, then the amplifier will be guilty. It’s the amplifier that suffers when you turn it on, and it’s your ears that suffer when you listen to music in the future. So be sure to check whether all the devices are connected when you turn on the system, and then turn the volume knob to Z low before starting the system. If the system makes a strange sound, it is good to shut down and power off, and ask a professional to debug it. Generally, it is not recommended for players to start the diagnosis by themselves, otherwise it will affect the hardware performance.

  Audio "bath" cannot use water

  After   Z, I will say that the sound system also needs to be kept clean. However, we do not recommend that you use water to wipe the machine. Audio equipment is rarely waterproof, and the shell is also made of more metal materials, so water will cause corrosion to the shell, and the conductivity of water is not suitable for cleaning. If your system gets water, be sure to shut down and power off as soon as possible, wipe it clean with a dry cloth before continuing to use it.

  When we want to clean the body of professional stage audio, we must remember not to use volatile solution-based cleaners, such as gasoline, alcohol, etc., try to choose a soft cloth to reduce the scratches on the body.

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