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What should I pay attention to when buying professional audio?Bar sound engineering Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-11-18 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD12 Brand bar audio Vendor

  1. The stage performance of the professional audio sound field. The spatial sense of the sound field and the placement of the speakers are important: the three-dimensional height, width, and depth of the sound field extend to the wall. This height, width, and depth will form a front convex and rear concave or a relatively flat surface Or square, rectangular, or elliptical shapes, that is, the overall sound field shape that extends up, down, left, and right, front and back. This sound field shape is the space of various shapes. The best space of the titanium sound film is to permeate the entire listening room. The relaxed and transparent sound field has a huge and boundless sense of space in all directions, and even has the performance of penetrating the surrounding walls. Basically, in addition to good equipment, there must be a proper size of space. Too small a space is more difficult to achieve a perfect sense of space. The level and sense of positioning of the musical instruments and vocals in the sound field. The level refers to the three-dimensionality of the musical instruments and other sounding bodies in the sound field and the changes in depth or distance. The sense of localization refers to the three-dimensionality of the sound field of the sound field. s position. The level and sense of positioning are good, and various musical instruments and human voices have a three-dimensional body. The overall sound field should be formed on the stage behind the left and right speakers. If the sound rushes forward, it is not right, especially when the low frequency performance is rushed forward, it feels like a heavy blow to the chest. For a while, I thought it was a high volume force that feels enjoyable, but it will be fun to listen to it for a long time. Very uncomfortable, it is incorrect performance.

  2. The density and weight of professional audio sound The density and weight of the sound in the overall shape of the sound field. The density and weight are related to the amount of sound details and the stability of the sound field. The sound field has high stability and strong weight. The performance of the accurate positioning of the instrument and the non-drifting shape and body feeling. The high density of the sound is the performance of more details and full sense of sound. The higher the density, the better the enveloping or hug feeling of the ears or the body, and it will feel like being on the spot.

  3. The transparency of professional audio sound is related to the transparency of the sound field, the music itself and the cleanness of the background, and it is related to the contrast of S+N/N in terms of instrumentation. Good transparency, good sense of space, clarity must be good, sound mixing, sound paste such as interlayer fog or hazy yarn, the sound field must be relatively flat and no depth, the sound image is larger or even a ball, the common bass hypertrophy of the titanium sound film This is just one example, or the bass is lumped into a ball. Some people think that the bass is strong and powerful and they are happy. This is actually wrong. You can compare it to a live music concert. Clarity is often confused with the phenomenon that the mid-to-high volume is more and brighter. The mid-to-high tone is brighter and too much, and the overall low-frequency ratio is reduced. Low-frequency clarity is difficult to do well

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