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How to improve the sound effect of multimedia conference system.Bar speakers Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-12-07 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  In multimedia conference rooms or home theaters, in addition to the indoor acoustic environment has a certain impact on the sound field, the placement of speakers is particularly important. Under the premise of a good indoor acoustic environment, the more accurate the sound image localization and the more lifelike the sound, the more lifelike the live sound effect of the integration of sound and image can be displayed. Below, we will discuss the placement of the three front (left, center, and right) speakers, the surround sound box, and the placement of the subwoofer.

  1. Placement of the center channel speaker

  The front center speaker is generally placed as close to the center of the image screen as possible. The center speaker has the greatest impact on the sound quality of the language. In order to ensure that the dialogue is accurately positioned in the center of the screen and the sound is clear, a separate speaker specially designed for the center channel should be used. Most of the center channel speakers are horizontal and horizontal cabinets, and the best placement is on the top of the TV (if the front projection display screen is used, it should be placed behind the screen), that is, it should be as close to the screen as possible.

  2. The placement of the left and right channel main speakers

  The placement of these two speakers has a certain relationship with the position of the center channel speaker. In order to ensure the smoothness of the left and right movement of the sound image, they should be placed on both sides of the center channel speaker, and the three speakers should be kept at an equal distance from the position of the best listener in front of the screen. Generally speaking, the position of the center speaker should be set back a certain distance from the left and right speakers until the sound fields of the two can be completely combined to create a truly unified sound image positioning. In addition, the vertical height of the left and right channel speakers should be 0.3m lower than the center speaker's axis. Otherwise, the height of the left, center, and right speakers is too large, and the front sound image is horizontal. When shifting, it will give people the feeling of sound and image jumping. Usually floor-standing speakers can meet the above requirements. If bookshelf speakers are used as left and right speakers, they should be fixed on the speaker bracket to make its height meet the above requirements.

  The distance between the left and right channel speakers from the screen is related to the size of the screen. If a color TV with a large or medium screen is used in a small room, the left and right channel speakers can be placed close to both sides of the screen. If the screen is small, you can make them a little further away from the screen to get a wider stereo field. To sum up, the sound directivity of the left, center, and right three-channel speakers is more important than diffusivity, that is, the radiation angle range of these three channels should be based on the best listening position. In this way, the influence of reflected sound from the floor, wall and roof can be reduced, and the clarity of sound image positioning can be appropriately ensured.

  3. Placement of surround channel speakers

  The placement of surround speakers should vary depending on the sound environment (room conditions) and the type of loop speakers. For speakers with left and right surround channels, the diffusivity of the sound should be more important than the directionality, which is conducive to creating a rich surround atmosphere. When placing dipole speakers, two factors must be considered: resonance and self-decay. The best position for anti-resonance is 20% of the height of the indoor space from the ceiling (or the ground). In order to make the frequency response smoother, a new device called a low-frequency "trap" (absorption of low audio) can be added to eliminate the reflections that cause the sound to decay.

  For direct radiating loop-wire speakers, there are many layout options that can be considered. For example: fixed on both sides of the wall, and make them point to the rear corner; fixed on the rear wall, so that they splay outwards and upwards in an inverted figure and face the junction of the side wall and the ceiling; placed on both sides against the wall On the floor, pointing upwards at the junction of the wall and ceiling, and so on. Many other programs can be designed according to the specific situation of the room. The surround sound field of a home theater is mainly formed by the sound reflection and refraction of the surround speakers on the various anti-sound surfaces in the room. The indoor acoustic conditions of different rooms are very different. As long as you patiently test and compare carefully, you will be able to find the best placement plan.

  4. Placement of subwoofer

  Usually put the subwoofer near the front corner, preferably more than 1m away from the corner, so as to reduce the interference of standing waves. You can also place the subwoofer speakers on both sides of the best listening position, keeping a proper distance, because the human ears are not sensitive to the directionality of the subwoofer from both sides, so the subwoofer will not interfere with the three fronts at this time. The original sound image positioning of the sound channel.

  The following methods can effectively help find the best position of the subwoofer: place the subwoofer in the best listening position (move away the nearby debris temporarily), connect its speaker cable and play a section with strong bass effect repeatedly Music, then listen carefully around the room. When listening, the ears are required to be close to the ground, roughly at the height of the subwoofer. At this time, find the most stable, deepest, and clearest point of the bass, which is the best placement of the subwoofer.

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