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Details that need attention in sound engineering.Anhui Bar Audio Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-11-19 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  The problem of frequency adjustment of graphic equalizers in professional audio engineering: frequency problems are commonly seen in three types of spectrum waveforms: swallow type, mountain type, and wave type, but in actual use, the sound field does not require a waveform. Because the sound field frequency characteristic curve is generally relatively flat, if it is adjusted to the sound field frequency characteristic curve, it will cause counterproductive effects.

  Low sound signal handling: It is not only necessary to select an appropriate signal acquisition location, but also to set the power of the power amplifier. Avoid burning and other situations.

  Compressor adjustment problem: The common method has the problem that over-laying the foundation will not only cause adverse effects, but also cause the professional audio to produce no sound. Professional lighting and sound

  Control problems: The mixer in professional audio engineering is the control center of the system. If the high, middle and low EQ balance on the mixer is promoted or attenuated by a large margin, the system can be debugged from scratch for this kind of problem, but Don't over-adjust the EQ of the mixer.

  Any small detail in the construction of professional audio engineering cannot be ignored. Any complete and high-quality professional audio system is inseparable from the hard work of professional audio engineers, whether it is the placement of the professional audio or the adjustment. sound. There are always problems of this kind or that kind in engineering construction. In view of these problems, the following summarizes a few points, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

  System level problem: For level problems in professional audio engineering, first check whether it is caused by the lack of the sensitivity control switch of the power amplifier, and secondly, check whether there is zero level adjustment in the system. Because sometimes pushing a little output in the mixer channel will produce a large output, in this case it will directly affect the dynamics and distortion of the system.

  Line connection technology: It is a common system that has loud communication interference. This situation is mostly caused by the failure of line connection technology. For the system, there is a balanced conversion unbalanced or unbalanced conversion balanced connection. Normally, they must be connected according to the norms.

  Signal distribution issues: If there are several sets of speakers in the sound field, and an equalizer is used to distribute the signals, it is easy to bring a lot of trouble to the process of distributing the signals, because the impedance is matched or not, and whether the distribution is balanced or not, etc. However, it is difficult to use an equalizer to improve the frequency and sound field of each speaker. Lighting Design

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