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Audio classification and advantages introduction.Conference room sound system contract.Conference ro

source:Industry News release time:2023-04-19 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  The speaker is the soul of a sound system, which plays a decisive role in the sound of the system. Many audio enthusiasts are confused when choosing a speaker. I don't know how to judge the quality of the speaker and the parameters of the speaker. This article hopes to explain the type of speaker on the market as much as possible, as well as its main sound characteristics, and hope to help everyone choose their favorite speakers.

  For the audio system, it is best for you! No matter how good the speakers do not have the right peripheral and environment, it will also make a junk sound. The audio system is one, and the bottleneck is the key to determining the sound of the system.

  In addition, although each speaker form has its own advantages and disadvantages, these advantages and disadvantages are just common situations. The exceptions are often things, and they cannot be generalized. There are no cases of speakers in the form of good sound quality, and each speaker form is good or bad. To do well, a full -frequency speaker can also make a wonderful sound; if it is not done well, there may be junk sounds in any form. Therefore, the form and sound characteristics when choosing can only be used for reference. For a chestnut, Yao Ming and Guo Jingming are all Chinese yellow races. You can't hear that the yellow race is short than Europeans and Americans. Or seeing the average height of the Chinese people concluded that Guo Jingming also had 170cm conclusions.

  1. Pay in the form of frequency

  The speakers can be divided into all -frequency speaker, coaxial speaker, duplex speaker, three -point frequency and above speakers in the form of frequency frequency.


  As the name implies, the full -frequency speaker is the replay of a unit responsible for the entire frequency of music. The previous combination audio and multimedia used this speaker form (many 2.1 system main speakers are also full -frequency speakers). Its advantages and disadvantages will be very obvious.

  The main advantages of all -frequency speakers are:

  Simple structure, easy debugging, and low cost, so do not need to be said. On the other hand, it is easier to do well and uniform sound. Because it does not interfere with frequency divisions and frequency points, a unit is responsible for the sound of the full -frequency band, so as long as the speaker unit is not bad, the intermediate frequency human voice can be done well, and even the sound of the mid -to -high frequency band can be done. very good.

  The near -field sound field is well positioned. This is because it is a sound source, and its sound field positioning is easier to make better than ordinary frequency split speakers. The other is high efficiency and easy to drive.

  However, the disadvantages of all -frequency speakers are also very obvious. Its main disadvantage is that the extension of the two ends is different. This is because a unit is responsible for the entire full -frequency band, and high and low frequency need to be taken care of. Therefore, the high and low frequency extension of all -frequency speakers is not like a diameter frequency splitter. Especially in the low frequency response, in order to better high -frequency extension, it is usually more conservative.

  The frequency response curve of the full -frequency sound is not smooth, especially the high frequency band. Now the high -frequency extension of the full -frequency speaker is not bad. It is not difficult to achieve 20000Hz, but it is difficult to do smoothly. In addition to the reason for the unit itself, the Doppler effect during the unit work is also It will cause high -frequency difference, so its high -frequency band is usually a bit worse.

  Small power. Needless to say, most of the 3,5 -inch full -frequency unit bearing power is only a few watts and ten watts, and it can reach thirty watts and fifty watts. This makes its sound pressure cannot meet the needs of the middle and large rooms, which are generally only applicable to desktop or small rooms.

  Overall, if the full -frequency speaker is done, it can also be very music, especially the human voice performance is excellent. 4, 5 inches full-frequency for desktops, and the full frequency of 6-8 inches in small and medium-sized rooms is not impossible. The picture below is the famous sound technique MC13. The built -in good decoding and amplifier. The total price is only 1,500 yuan. The effect of playing music is quite good. It feels like HIFI.

  b. Coaxial speaker

  Although the same axis speaker also uses only one unit, the center of this unit has a treble unit and is discharged in the same axis. It has different magnetic circuits. Therefore, it also has the sound field portrait of the full -frequency speaker, and has some advantages of the frequency speaker.

  It has the characteristics of better extension of the two ends of the frequency speaker, the frequency response curve can be relatively straight, and it has the sound field with a full -frequency speaker, and it can also be higher in the tolerance power.

  However, the same axis speaker also has considerable disadvantages. Its main disadvantages are two. One is that the design of good coaxial units is difficult, and the cost is not low. In addition, it is impossible to have a special bass unit dive under low frequency.

  Because the structure and full -frequency speaker are similar, the advantages of the sound field and portrait brought by the same axis speaker must be significantly better than the frequency split speaker. However, because the unit design is difficult, the same axis speaker on the market is mainly KEF and Tianlang. There are fewer other brands. Because the sound field is good, many high school speakers now also have coaxial units for mid -to -high -frequency units.

  The coaxial speaker is ready, and its frequency sound extension is similar to frequency division, and the sound field is similar to full frequency. As a desktop or a near -field, the effect is very good, and the vocals, especially the advantages. The picture below is the natural sound of its own HIFI-level NS16 speaker. It uses a 5-inch high-quality coaxial unit, carefully designed frequency divisor and box, frequent 60-20000hz +/- 3DB, which is quite good, which is very suitable for small desktop small. The room is used to appreciate the vocal and middle and small editors, and the cost is also very suitable. Especially considering the supporting desktop power amplifier and 1794 decoding (see), the cost -effectiveness is higher than the source speaker, which is equally convenient.

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