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The deadly factor of the speaker in summer

source:Industry News release time:2022-09-15 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  I3PR Car stereo manufacture

  The hot summer is coming. In addition to affecting our human body, the sultry weather will also have a certain impact on our speaker equipment. So what will be affected? Please look down

  1. Power taboo overload phenomenon

  Usually, when equipping speakers with power amplifiers, in order to give full play to the performance of the speakers, the power of the power amplifiers is often larger than that of the speakers, sometimes about 1 times larger.

  In this case, in actual use, control the signal to the power amplifier not to be too large, the speaker will have a good performance, the sound will be full, and the distortion will be small. However, if you do not pay attention to the control signal and the input signal to the power amplifier is too large, the output power of the power amplifier will exceed the power that the speaker can withstand. For speakers, this is an overload phenomenon. Short-term overload has little effect on the speaker, but if it is overloaded for a long time, the speaker in the speaker may be mechanically damaged even if it does not burn. For example: the woofer paper cone is broken, the paper cone is broken, the lead wire of the voice coil is torn, the diaphragm of the tweeter is broken, etc. Therefore, if the power amplifier used is more than 50% higher than the power of the speaker, you need to pay special attention to the signal size when using it, and try to use it when the red light of the power amplifier does not flash. People who eat too much will swell up and feel uncomfortable, even until the stomach expands. If the speaker unit eats too much, it will also be uncomfortable and burst. Of course, this situation naturally leads to another topic: using the "limiting" function of the digital processor can protect the speaker unit from being burned. However, when the "compression limit" function works, it comes at the cost of losing the sound effect, which is not allowed in many occasions. Moreover, the power is too large, but also increase the project cost.

  2. A hidden danger that the frequency response affects the safety of the speaker: For example, a 15-inch full-range speaker has a frequency response range of 60-18kHz, which tells you that the electrical signal within this range can be restored to sound normally. of. Note that its lower limit frequency is 60Hz, and electrical signals below 60Hz cannot be converted into sound normally. If the electrical signal you input to it is a full-range signal without any processing, it contains components below 60Hz. However, the energy of this part of the electrical signal cannot be converted into sound by the speaker, and this part of the electrical energy is basically converted into heat, which is a hidden danger. If the speaker works with high power input for a long time, this heat will cause the temperature of the voice coil to rise continuously, causing the glue that fixes the coil to melt and the voice coil to be damaged. If you don't realize this problem, even if the speaker is repaired, it will break again in the future.

  Solution: Use the filters (HPF) and (LOW CUT) on the processor or other equipment to cut the low frequency part that cannot be represented by the speaker to cut off the high frequency part higher than 18KHz. The same is true. The filter of the processor should be used to cut off .

  3. The temperature is too high or too low

  Many people attach great importance to the heat dissipation inside the chassis, but basically ignore the heat dissipation of peripheral products, because most people can't imagine which peripheral devices need heat dissipation. Among the common peripherals, the heat dissipation of the speaker is more important, especially in summer, if you do not pay attention to the use method, it will be a small problem to damage the hardware and cause a big fire. If the temperature is too low, the sensitivity of some machines (such as electronic tube machines) will be reduced. If the temperature is too high, it will easily burn out the components or cause the components to age prematurely. In summer, special attention should be paid to cooling down and maintaining air circulation. Avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, and also avoid close to heat sources. The normal working temperature of audio equipment should be 18℃-45℃.

  4. The function keys are not reset for a long time

  After the sound is used up, the function keys should be reset. If the function key is not reset for a long time, its pulling button spring will be under force for a long time, which will easily cause malfunction.

  5. Turn on the power amplifier to connect the speaker cable

  Because the distance between the terminals of the speaker is generally very close, and the speaker wires are two closely parallel, open the power amplifier to connect the speaker wire, the speaker wire is often accidentally short-circuited when wiring, and the consequence will be to quickly burn the power amplifier.

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