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Stage sound is an important branch of performance equipment!Sound for bars Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-11-04 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  Many people think that professional audio is very messy and simple to make mistakes, especially large-scale singing and dancing performances, important conference amplification, etc. Even experienced sound engineers will make mistakes after encountering important people. In this respect, it is indeed difficult enough. However, this kind of difficulty is only one side of the problem. For most sound engineers, the most difficult thing is to have a little understanding of the so-called stage sound: use a "multimeter" to measure the power of the speakers, or use a "sound pressure meter" to adjust the loudness of the venue, etc. Waiting, the leaders thought that they were very professional, but they felt uncomfortable when facing the microphone.

  In this way, we have to correct some fundamental conceptual mistakes, and before confirming the past mistakes, let us correct a concept: professional stage audio is definitely not equal to home audio. There is a fundamental difference between the two! All our comments are in the scope of professional audio. In more detail, we only comment on the sound reinforcement under high power.

  Another difference between professional speakers and civilian speakers is the low sound. The low sound of the civilian box can be heard, while the low sound of the professional box is felt. What is the feeling? It is conveyed to us by the vibration of the air. We feel the air waves. This feeling is very special. Just like underwater, we actually hear a lot of sounds by feeling. If you want to feel this kind of low sound, the requirements for the cabinet are particularly high. To achieve perfect sound effects under high power, we need to solve the following points:

  The first is box vibration. Because the cabinet vibration will cancel out the sound pressure of a specific frequency and form distortion; another type of cabinet vibration is the worst, it can announce a specific noise, this noise is like the sound of two wooden boards hitting each other to announce. Of course, this kind of noise is caused by the wood board and the production process. For example, the wood board is simply deformed / the production process is backward / the wood board is not straight when sawed from a large piece to a small piece, but is jagged, so the formation cannot be completely uniform during the gluing process , While presenting subsequent noise.

  The second is unit resonance. Because of the different unit structure, why use aluminum frame? There is nothing special under low power. Under high power, due to the effect of sound waves, the appearance of the speaker will oscillate to some extent. If the unit is fixed on the top of the unit, if the speaker frame is not strong, the bass frame will oscillate with the panel at the same time. At this time, the center position of the voice coil in the magnetic fluid will be damaged, resulting in severe distortion and even formation. Wipe the ring, and finally the voice coil burns.

  In order to reduce costs, some audio manufacturers use very thin iron plates as the speaker frame. The quality of the speakers is not good. This is also one of the reasons. Usually, the thickness of the iron plate used in the speaker frame of 150WRMS power cannot be less than 1.2mm. Of course, the aluminum basin frame is the best. Since the aluminum basin frame is cast instead of stamped, its deformation is much smaller than that of the stamped iron basin frame.

  The third is the sound source, the so-called sound origin. Many times when we go to the dance hall, the low-pitched Bass we hear is completely different from the sound from a recording CD. This is not because the stage sound is not good, (of course, there are also not good) but the sound comes from the wrong sound. In detail, it is the fault of the radio method. Many years ago, we have coached on-site radio techniques. How to reduce the low-pitched drum sound? Features of low-pitched Bass radio, etc. Here we just want to say that if you can't feel a good low voice in the dance hall, the first reaction is whether the DJ has been coached, and you should not question the quality of the speakers.

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