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K song master teaches you how to tune KTV speakers

source:Industry News release time:2022-03-07 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD12 Brand bar audio Vendor

  Today, let's talk about KTV audio tuning. It is difficult to do this work well, but as long as you master the method and persevere in doing it, no matter how difficult the problem will be, it will be solved. Let's talk about the adjustment skills of the audio equipment in the KTV private room:

  1. How to adjust the sound

  If the timbre is not handled well, it will not only make the sound monotonous and tasteless, but also cause serious distortion of the instrument or singing. Therefore, the importance of timbre handling must not be ignored. For male voices, most people's voices are relatively low and lack treble. In order to improve the clarity of singing, the frequency components around 3000Hz can generally be appropriately increased; while female voices are mostly high-pitched and make the sound "sharp" , in order to make the sound louder and not too harsh, generally the frequency components around 400Hz can be properly improved.

  2. How to adjust the reverberation time

  Reverberation usually determines the length of the reverberation, which has a direct impact on the color and clarity of the sound. Under normal circumstances, when the bass is singing, the reverberation time can be shortened to improve the clarity of the sound; if it is a soprano singing, the reverberation time can be appropriately extended to increase the color of the sound. For a concert venue, if the walls around the room are made of wood, it will have a certain reverberation effect. At this time, the reverberation time should be reduced to avoid blurring the sound; on the contrary, if the room is made of glass Structure, or hanging flannel curtains and other sound-absorbing materials, such a room lacks reverberation, and the reverberation time should be increased to prevent the sound from being dry. In addition, the size of the audience also has a great impact, because the audience's clothing also has a great absorption effect on the sound. Generally speaking, KTV audio tuners can choose a reverberation time that feels appropriate between 1-2 seconds.

  3. How to adjust the proportion of direct sound and reverberation sound

  The KTV audio tuning appropriately increases the proportion of the reverberation sound, which is conducive to simulating the natural reverberation effect, making the sound plump and pleasant, and increasing the three-dimensional sense of the audience and the audience. If there is too much reverberation and too little direct sound, the sound will be seriously distorted, just like the sound heard in the bathroom or bathhouse, which is the so-called "bathroom effect". Therefore, if there is no special requirement, the reverberation adjustment knob can be adjusted to the middle position, that is, the ratio of direct sound to reverberation is 1:1. In this way, the sound will not produce distortion, but also have a certain reverberation effect.

  4. How to adjust the ratio between the volume of the microphone and the volume of the accompaniment

  For a good song, in terms of volume distribution, the accompaniment music should account for 40%, and the singing voice should account for 60%. If the singer's timbre is good, the volume of some accompaniment music can be appropriately reduced to highlight the singer's singing voice; if The singer is not very familiar with the melody of this song, and it is easy to sing out of tune and out of tune. In order to cover up these shortcomings, the volume of the accompaniment can be appropriately increased at this time. However, in the KTV audio tuning operation, care should be taken not to increase the volume of the microphone too much, so as to lose the atmosphere of karaoke; also do not make the accompaniment sound too strong to "drown" the singer's singing voice.

  In fact, when there is no reception, I try to sing some songs of different styles, and tune while singing. You can adjust some such as microphone volume and high and low, music volume and high and low, reverberation time and depth, etc., and tune to yourself. I feel that the music is pleasant to the ear, and the microphone is full, powerful and relaxed and natural. Generally speaking, it is easier to have the microphone volume slightly higher than the music volume. And invite some colleagues or friends who can sing better to audition together. When everyone agrees that the effect is good, the parameters are set and marked. Generally, the reception takes these as the standard sound effects, and when the guests have objections, they will carry out personalized debugging according to the requirements of the guests. However, after the guests leave the venue, the KTV audio tuning must be adjusted back to its own standard, so that the KTV tuning effect of each box will have a standard recognized by most people and will not be chaotic.


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