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Talking about the key elements of optimizing stage sound effects!Speaker bar Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-10-27 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  Talking about the key elements of optimizing stage sound effects

  In recent years, with the advancement of material civilization, audiences have higher requirements for auditory perception. Whether watching literary performances or appreciating music programs, they all hope to get better artistic enjoyment. The effect of stage sound effects in performances is becoming more and more prominent, and people have gradually paid attention to it. How to optimize the stage sound effects is a question that every literary and artistic group must consider. This article starts with the three key elements of "the essence of stage tuner's tuning, the combination of sound equipment, and the integration of sound and stage environment". How to optimize the stage sound effects.

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  Master the overall stage, the tuner should have the essence of professional tuning

  The famous dubbing artist Zhang Guilan put it very well: "The art of the artist’s speech acting and the sound engineer’s art of debugging are the connection between the scale and the mound." "The movement actually debugged is not the artist’s original sound, but the sound engineer uses audio equipment to transform it. "Passing movement", it can be seen that the essence of a tuner's tuning directly affects the sound effect of the stage, thereby affecting the quality of the entire stage performance. For this reason, stage tuner should have professional tuning essence.

  (1) Excellent dynamic and static debugging technology. As a tuner, you must conduct an in-depth analysis and understanding of the music works that you are debugging, and combine electro-acoustic technology with sound technology. For example, use an equalizer to improve the original dynamic and static sound; use reverb and delay to increase the sense of intimacy, distance and space; you can also use "doubling" technology to increase the "group sense" of a certain instrument; especially now With the adoption of audio digital technology, the tuner can invent the timbre of human voice and musical instrument by modifying the sound wave, which can make up for the shortcomings of the dynamic and static advantages according to the voice characteristics of different artists, such as reverberation when the male voice is solo. The intensity should be adjusted lower, and the reverberation intensity of the female singer's solo singing should be adjusted higher, which will make the singing effect better. The tuner only needs to master the requirements of different types of stage playing sound, so as to master the overall stage of the stage and call up the best stage sound effects.

  (2) Have excellent acoustic art accomplishment. The tuner's outstanding acoustic art accomplishment directly affects the stage sound debugging effect. The tuner needs to understand the differences in the vibration frequency and harmonics of different artists, different musical instruments, and vocal materials, and understand the narrow frequency bandwidth of various musical instruments and human voices to identify the characteristics and shortcomings of movement. If a singing artist sings on the stage with MIDI accompaniment, the tuner will handle his accompaniment. In the same way, the music for the pleasing dance is also handled by the tuner. At this time, the stage requires the tuner to apply the strength of the music to the stage performance to take care of it, in order to achieve a useless performance effect.

  (3) It has the essence of excellent sound debugging. Facts have proved that the essence of the tuner’s mind is seriously related to the stage sound effects, and the instability of the mind and mood will cause the tuner’s hearing sensitivity and resolution to decline, and even fail to correctly distinguish various timbres, which will bring the entire stage effect. Negative impact. To this end, the tuner must master the necessary mental knowledge, cultivate strong mental adaptation talents, mental acceptance talents and mental control talents, and on this basis, make good use of artistic mentality, creative mentality, audience mentality, etc. Knowledge, which organically combines the seriousness and seriousness of music with the humorousness of music, talent advances its overall grade and level in stage sound work.

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