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Common fault handling of KTV equipment system

source:Industry News release time:2022-12-08 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  1、 Tuning skills:

  1: About the microphone howling.

  Generally, microphone squealing is caused by excessive volume of the microphone. You should carefully check whether it is caused by excessive total volume of the microphone or by excessive volume of individual microphones. Another reason for microphone squealing is that the sound quality of the microphone is too high. Listen carefully to the frequency of the squealing: the very harsh squealing is caused by MIC TREBLE (microphone tweeter), and the microphone tweeter must be reduced. If it is a very low squeal, the squeal that feels a little vibration is caused by excessive MIC BASS (microphone bass), and the microphone bass must be reduced.

  2: In general, that is, during the business period, if the customer requests to adjust the light and heavy reverberation, try not to adjust the REPEAT or DELAY in the reverberation effect, just increase or decrease the ECHO VOL!

  3: The volume of computer music accompaniment shall not cover the singing voice of guests. Otherwise, guests will find it hard, laborious and laborious to sing.

  Common fault handling of KTV equipment system

  2、 Name and function of power amplifier panel:

  1: Total volume of reverberation: ECHO VOL This knob can control the direct sound size of reverberation echo, that is, the amount of the whole reverberation effect!

  2: Total microphone volume: MIC VOL This knob can control the volume of all microphones.

  Note: There are three microphone volume control knobs below the total volume of the microphone, which can control the volume of each microphone separately: MIC1 (volume of microphone 1) MIC2 (volume of microphone 2) MIC3 (volume of microphone 3). Try not to adjust it separately.

  3: Total music volume: MUSIC VOL This knob can control the volume of computer accompaniment, and adjust this knob to achieve the song sound.

  3、 Power amplifier failure:

  1. Phenomenon: The music has sound, and the microphone is silent or noisy.

  Solution: Replace the microphone.

  2. Phenomenon: no music sound, but the microphone has sound.

  Solution: First check whether it is in the mute state. If it is normal, check whether the audio output plug of the set-top box or the audio input plug at the back of the power amplifier is disconnected. Troubleshoot.

  3. Phenomenon: The microphone and music are silent.

  Solution: Open the cabinet to see whether the power supply lamp of the amplifier is on and whether the signal input indicator is displayed normally. If it is normal, check whether the connecting line behind the speaker is disconnected and troubleshoot.

  4、 Touch screen fault:

  1. Phenomenon: the screen is black and the indicator light is not on.

  Solution: Check the key switch behind the touch screen and turn it on. If there is no response, it will be stopped and handed over to the day shift for handling.

  2. Phenomenon: arrow flies randomly, uncontrolled.

  Solution: Restart the set-top box, and the fault is generally eliminated. If the fault persists, it shall be handed over to the day shift for handling.

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