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The size and performance of the full frequency horn unit are related

source:Industry News release time:2022-10-19 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  From the current radiation analysis of electric loudspeakers, we can know that in general, there are the following conclusions:

  1 Size is proportional to sensitivity and low frequency. For units of similar design, the larger the radiation area is, the lower the low frequency starting frequency is. In the industry, it is generally expressed as - 3dB of the system. Note that this is the value of the low frequency response F3 of the system (a system including the speaker line, box, unit, and filter (if any)), rather than the Fo of the unit itself. For example, for a Japanese full frequency unit, its Fo may be only 50Hz, but its Qes may be as low as 0.25. After the unit is packed, its F3 may be as high as 80Hz.

  2 The size is inversely proportional to the high frequency. This is also easy to understand. The larger the area is, the greater the vibration mass is, so the less high-frequency components can be radiated, which is similar to an asynchronous "energy conservation" principle.

  3 Size is inversely proportional to directivity. It is easy to understand that when the equivalent area increases, the vibration mode determines that the energy radiated from the off-axis is less and less. Therefore, many large aperture units need to use phase plugs or waveguides to partially improve this problem. For example, a Norwegian brand of 8-inch full frequency has added a mushroom waveguide. According to the "energy conservation like principle" mentioned above, it is assumed that the radiation energy on the 0 axis of the unit itself can just meet the needs of listening. However, after the waveguide is added to improve the directivity of such large aperture units, the energy of the off-axis is indeed a little more, but this is separated from the 0 axis, so the radiation on the 0 axis will be problematic. The severity of the problem is that most manufacturers do not realize this, or after realizing this, they increase the output of Axis 0 in the high frequency band (it can be seen that the curves given by some unit manufacturers are very high at the high-end). At this time, the off-axis is perfect, but Axis 0 is high again. What should we do? In most cases, the manufacturer will add a low Q notch filter to solve this problem from the circuit... Therefore, it can be seen that the full frequency units with large caliber (especially those above 6.5 inches) are contradictory and unsolvable

  4 Distortion. At present, the design of high sensitivity cell, which is the mainstream, one-sided pursuit of high sensitivity, requires large size. At the same time, it also needs to reach a higher upper limit of 0 axis high frequency, which leads to the need to strictly control the equivalent vibration weight. After the diaphragm material and structure are selected, it will not move much. In order to meet certain strength requirements, the weight of the diaphragm will not move much (when the bottom limit is reached, no matter how low the strength is, the problem will become serious). We can only start from the voice coil. The voice coil can hardly move when it meets the parameter requirements, so the only thing that can move is the voice coil roll (roll refers to the height of the voice coil winding). Therefore, the traditional products of this kind, although they can be paired with a small bile machine to listen to the taste, will become soft once they arrive at the occasion of great dynamics (that is, the pop show). A lot of time, people who don't understand the barbecue may misunderstand that there is a problem with the courage or the box. They rarely doubt that it is a problem with the unit. Many people think that the dynamic is OK when they look at such a large size, such as 8 inches.

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