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What is the difference between U-segment and V-segment of wireless microphones?The bar needs sound e

source:Industry News release time:2022-06-15 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD12 Brand bar audio Vendor

  Wireless microphones are often encountered in daily life, so do you know the difference between U-segment and V-segment wireless microphones? Let the jazz dragon manufacturer tell you:

  1. The transmission signal of the transmitter

  The V-segment wireless microphone transmitter part mainly uses several stages of frequency multiplication circuits to obtain high-frequency signals, and the signal carrier frequency of the transmitter is fixed.

  Most U-segment wireless microphone transmitters use phase-locked loop technology to obtain high-frequency signals, and most of the transmitter frequencies are adjustable.

  2. Receive the transmission signal from the host

  The V-segment wireless microphone receiver is also made into a fixed frequency point.

  Most U-segment wireless microphone receivers are made with adjustable receiving frequency.

  3. Anti-interference ability

  When there is an interference signal, it is difficult to avoid the V-segment wireless microphone, and the U-segment wireless microphone can easily avoid various interferences by adjusting the frequency of the transmitter and receiver. U-segment wireless microphones used for professional performances are often made into true diversity, that is, one microphone is received by two antennas, and the probability of breakpoints in the use of U-segment wireless microphones is extremely small (the well-designed UHF true diversity wireless microphones) ).

  4. Signal Transmission Path

  VHF radio frequency signal transmission has little reflection on small metal objects and can be diffracted; it can penetrate non-metallic objects such as the human body; the loss of the feeder is low, and the antenna can be appropriately extended; the battery can be used for a long time; , letter machine and industrial pollution such as electric welding, motor, etc. have large interference; the usable frequency range is 61MHZ, the expandable range is too narrow, the frequency is crowded when multiple microphones are used, and the compatible frequency is small; the dynamic range of the signal is small.

  UHF radio frequency signal transmission has many reflections on small metal objects, and multi-path propagation can cause interference; the shielding and attenuation of non-metallic objects such as the human body is large; the loss of the feeder is large, and the receiver should be as close to the microphone as possible; large transmit power is required, and the battery The use time is short; the high frequency interference is less; the usable frequency range is 270MHZ, the expandable range is large, and multiple microphones can be used to form a larger system; the dynamic range of the signal is large.

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