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What details should be paid attention to in the on-site operation of stage audio?

source:Industry News release time:2022-05-12 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  What details should be paid attention to in the on-site operation of stage audio?(图1)

  With good design, good sound, and the question of how to operate in a show. On stage, the overall design of the acoustics is in harmony with the overall intent of the show. The stage sound effect must be incorporated into the director's conception, according to the director's specific regulations on sound, the degree of participation of each sound, the volume, level, and time of entry must be rehearsed, accurate and just right. , so that the audience can integrate with the whole performance through the timbre, rhythm and tempo, and enjoy the charm of sound effect art in a specific stage environment, so as to play its due role in the performance.

  At the same time, with the change of the plot, lines, action, space, time, mood, etc. of the stage program, we should seize the opportunity to deal with the change of effect and choose the best way to play the effect of the stage.

  Stage performances are diverse, the same sound effects combined with different lighting changes in different performance forms will present different feelings to the audience. In addition, the expression of the emotional changes of the characters also requires the cooperation of the stage lighting. Only the correct application of the sound equipment and the coordination of the light and shade of the lighting can make the stage performance achieve a pleasing effect.

  In order to ensure the harmony and integrity of the stage art, in the performance of lighting and sound, the tuner and lighting engineer are required to cooperate closely with the progress of the performance, especially for some key sound effects, the effective cooperation of stage lighting is required to shape the performance. Touching "audio stereoscopic image", such as in Andersen's fairy tale musical "The Little Match Girl", when the protagonist little girl is tired and huddled in the dark corner, the sound of wind and snow appears in the sound effect, giving the audience the feeling of a cold wind. In the scene of heavy snow, hunger and cold, as the little girl strikes one match after another, the sound effect of wind and snow gradually fades and disappears. The warmth of the match drives away the darkness and the cold.

  Due to the integration of sound and lighting, the stage atmosphere is rendered, and the audience is unconsciously attracted to the plot. Therefore, in the practical application of stage sound and lighting, it is necessary to closely cooperate with the progress of the performance, and to coordinate and effectively cooperate with each other to meet the creative requirements of stage art.

  To sum up, it is expounded that optimizing the sound effect of the stage should grasp the three key elements of "combination of sound equipment, integration of sound and stage environment".

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