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Historical development of professional audio amplifier!Bar sound bar Vendor

source:Industry News release time:2021-10-19 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  Historical development of professional audio amplifier

  Professional audio power amplifier for short, professional power amplifier is a field that has been quite mature in technology. Over the past few decades, people have made unremitting efforts for it, and considerable progress has been made in terms of line technology, components, and even ideological understanding. Looking back at the development history of professional power amplifiers, it may be an interesting thing for us audio enthusiasts.

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  The development history of audio technology can be divided into four stages: electron tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, and field effect tubes.

  In 1906, American DeForest invented the vacuum triode, creating a precedent for human electroacoustic technology. After Bell Labs invented the negative feedback technology in 1927, the development of audio technology has entered a new era. More representative ones, such as the "Williamson" amplifier, have successfully used negative feedback technology to reduce the distortion of the amplifier. Greatly reduced, the development of tube amplifiers reached a climax in the 1950s, and various tube amplifiers emerged one after another. Due to the sweet and mellow tone of the tube amplifier, it is still preferred by enthusiasts.

  The emergence of transistors in the 1960s enabled the majority of audio enthusiasts to enter a broader audio world. Transistor amplifier has the characteristics of delicate and moving tone, lower distortion, wider frequency response and dynamic range.

  In the early 1960s, the United States first introduced integrated circuits, a new member of audio technology. By the early 1970s, integrated circuits were gradually recognized by the audio industry for their high quality, low price, small size, and multiple functions. Since its development, thick film audio integrated circuits and operational amplifier integrated circuits have been widely used in audio circuits.

  In the mid-70s, Japan produced the first field-effect power tube. Because the field-effect power tube also has the pure thick, sweet tone of the tube, and the dynamic range of 90dB, THD<0.01% (at 100kHz), it quickly became popular in the audio industry. Many amplifiers today use FETs as the final output.

  In the 1980s, digital power amplifiers became the darling of the new generation. Europe first introduced the use of MOSFET audio field effect tube power amplifier. MOSFET field effect transistors have the basic advantages of transistors. But soon after using it, it was found that the reliability of this power amplifier was not high (no external circuit protection), the switching speed was not improved much, and the maximum output power was only 150W/8Ω.

  In the early 1990s, MOSFET manufacturing technology had a great breakthrough, and a high-speed MOSFET high-power switching field effect transistor appeared. After years of research, ECLER has overcome the SPM patented technology of non-destructive protection system, and launched the third-generation professional power amplifier product that combines the advantages of the tube power amplifier and the transistor power amplifier, which has been recognized in the European market. , And has gradually been applied in the world.

  A good power amplifier chooses GAEpro. As a 13-year audio power amplifier manufacturer, Ding Taifeng has strong strength and high cost-effective products. Based on quality thinking and service reputation, it has won many KTV audio system projects over the years, and customers are very satisfied. The full-dimensional model of production + engineering services is unmatched by other KTV professional audio manufacturers.

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