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The main points of daily maintenance of audio equipment equipment

source:Industry News release time:2023-03-06 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  When it comes to audio, there may be a lot of topics, but not everyone can persist in daily maintenance and maintenance of audio equipment. Now let the audio manufacturers remind you how to better maintain your in your daily use. Magic, reduce faults to perform its great effects.

  1. Fully cleanse in every six months

  Everyone knows that shortly after the metal is exposed to the air, the surface will be aerobic, losing luster, and becoming dull. Even if the surface of the signal line plug is placed, it is no longer easy to oxidize, and has close contact with the body plug. However, after a long time, there will still be a certain degree of oxidation leading to poor contact, so it must be cleaned once in half a year. As long as you use cotton, apply the wine and apply the connection point. After this heavy work, you can make the contact response well contact, and the sound is clear and transparent. In particular, the surrounding equipment around the speakers in the entertainment venue is mostly locked in the cabinet. The heat dissipation and cleaning environment are not ideal. It is recommended to regularly remove the dust and cleaning nodes of the exhaust fan regularly every month.

  2. Clean CD machine laser head

  Obviously, the laser can only have a small area, but it depends on it to read the mark on the CD disc. Therefore, as long as the small dust is adhered to a very small dust on the head, it is enough to affect the accuracy of the read -defense signal. Although most of the CD machines have a sealed body, don't forget it. In the process of often out of the discs, there is a free to make dust in the ground. After a period of time, there must be more or less dust on the surface of the singing head. At this time, you need to unscrew the screw of the caps, and open the cover to clean it with cotton sticks. Although there are various cleaning CD discs in the city road, you spent dozens of yuan. Those so -called CD disc Do not use the cotton swab directly thoroughly. After your long -not washed CD machine cleaning up, it will make you feel like you can open a layer of yarn, and the high -frequency reply to the old days, and the details are much more pleasant. The steps of this cleaning can be done once a year.

  3. Try to avoid machine stacking machines

  Based on environmental topics, the equipment should be stacked up and placed. When there is a prerequisite, you should try to place the main CD sources and soundpowering departments as much as possible. Because the overlapping placement will cause harmonious shocks and affect the machine. When the speaker played music, the shock air caused the equipment to follow the shock, and the two machines would preach each other to each other, making the micro -information in the music unclear, and through the transmission of each frequency band, it caused a pollution of a sound to pollute the sound. Another example is that one of them is a CD machine. When it is played by the disc, the motor rotation has exacerbated the amplitude of the harmonious shock, and the impact will be greater. Therefore, the equipment should be placed independently on the solid rack.

  4. Keep the split power supply and the rear level of the host's single way.

  Nowadays, there are even a box -sized split power supply in the front level of many mid -prices. It is simply separated from the fire cow and the host into two departments. The benefits naturally are the resonance isolation that can cause the parts in the machine and the fire cow. If the split power supply is placed next to the front stage, it is a bit lost. Hurry up to the forefront, such as placing the rack on the other layer, you can hear the overall interval in real time. The audio and video will be more correct. The last level of the single way is also the same. Two equipment with the prerequisite is separated to ensure that it is harmless.

  5. Abolition of the CD machine's adjustable volume output

  Many single CD machines have a adjustable output end to use the remote control control volume. If you do not use this adjustable output, you can abolish it. The device can be abolished together without need. These two sets of signal outputs are divided by the main signal. Once abolished, only the energy of the signal output is not required when output with a set of fixed volume. The sound will be more pure and the sense of strength is better than before. It is not complicated to abolish these two sets of output methods. Just turn on the cover and pull up the related connection cables in the machine.

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