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Teach you how to choose audio with eight tricks

source:Industry News release time:2022-03-02 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  A2 Dalian Bar Audio Vendor

  With the increasing demand for entertainment audio, the public has higher and higher requirements for audio. At present, the audio in the market has been upgraded from traditional audio to Bluetooth audio to smart audio. Times are changing, and the diversity of audio is also closely following the market. However, the popular trend of audio is gradually aligning with the tradition. Gradually, more and more people like to buy entertainment audio to put in the store or at home. So it's not only for bar KTV only. Now the general residents have also started at home, but they still have to have their own weight on the selection. The editor tells you these eight tricks, from now on, you will never get into the pit when you choose a sound.

  1. The stage performance of the sound field

  The spatial sense of the sound field has a great relationship with the placement of the speakers: the three-dimensional height, width, and depth of the sound field extend to the wall, and the height, width, and depth will form a front convex and a back concave, or a relatively flat, square, rectangular, or oval shape. , that is, the shape of the overall sound field space that extends up, down, left, right, front, and back. This sound field shape is the sense of space of various shapes. The best sense of space with titanium sound film is the sense of space that permeates the entire listening room, which is relaxed and transparent in all directions. The sound field has a good sense of space, and even has the performance of penetrating the surrounding walls. Basically, in addition to good equipment, there must be an appropriate space size. It is difficult to achieve a perfect sense of space in a too small space.

  The level and sense of localization of musical instruments and vocals in the sound field. The level refers to the three-dimensionality of the sounding bodies such as musical instruments in the sound field and the changes in depth or distance. The sense of localization refers to the left and right and up and down of the three-dimensional sound field of the sound field. s position. The sense of hierarchy and positioning is good, and various musical instruments and vocals have a three-dimensional sense of shape. If the sound system equipment is not good enough or the speaker placement is not good, you will not hear the sense of shape, especially if there is a deep sense of shape. The overall sound field should be formed on the stage behind the left and right speakers. If the sound rushes forward, it will be wrong, especially when the low frequency performance rushes forward, it will feel like a heavy blow to the chest. Very uncomfortable and incorrect performance.

  The density and weight of sound

  In the overall sound field shape, the density and weight of the sound are related to the sound details and the sound field stability. . The high density of the sound is a manifestation of more details and a fuller sense of sound. The higher the density, the better the feeling of encircling or hugging the ears or the body, and it will feel as if you are on the scene.

  3. Transparency and clarity of sound

  The transparency of the sound field is related to the sound itself and the cleanliness of the background, and is related to the S+N/N contrast in terms of instrumentation. Good transparency, good sense of space, good clarity, sound mixing, sound paste such as interlayer fog or hazy yarn, the sound field must be relatively flat without depth, the sound image is large or even a lump, the common bass of titanium sound film is hypertrophy This is an example, or the bass is a mess. Some people think that the low frequency is powerful and self-satisfied. This is actually wrong. Listening to a live music concert should be compared.

  Clarity is often confused with the phenomenon that the medium and high volume is too bright. The middle and high frequencies are too bright, too many, and the overall low frequency ratio is reduced, which makes the listening experience unnatural. Low frequency clarity is difficult to do well, and it can be determined from the degree of identification of the tail rhyme of the kick drum or the micro-vibration of the Double Bass strings.

  Fourth, the balance of high, medium and low frequency bands

  The high, medium and low frequency bands of the sound can be balanced to be pleasant to the ear. Too bright (too much high frequency), especially labiodental sounds, is uncomfortable. Too dark (too little high frequency) will not be vivid, and low frequency expansion (too much) will overwhelm the theme. , and the lack of low frequency will appear as if there is something missing from the bottom plate, lack of integrity, or the mid frequency is not too strong enough, it will lack the warm and rich sweetness, and become dry.

  5. The beauty of sound quality

  The requirements are not only pleasing to the ear, but the music can also infect the conveyance of all emotions, such as the poetic suppleness of the spring breeze or the surging and surging heroic feelings, while the sound quality is not beautiful, it will produce a feeling of raw, cold, hard, thin and thin.

  6. Resolution and detail of sound

  With strong resolution, more details are possible. Generally speaking, the low-frequency resolution of a sound system is difficult to connect to a professional amplifier. With more details, you can hear the micro-vibration (or pine scent) of the strings and the instant hammering of the piano hammers. The woody smell of the strike, and the extension of the end rhyme and the resonance of the steel strings with the piano cavity and the piano reflector, as well as the emotional expression of the weak breath of the human voice, the low frequency such as the instant tension and extension of the end rhyme when the drum skin is hit by the hammer, etc. .

  7. Sound cohesion and physical sensation

  The cohesion and morphological sense of the sound refers to the well-focused, non-dizzy musical instruments or mouth-shaped or condensed drum sounds, as well as the size ratio of vocals and instruments, this item and the phase distortion of the equipment, the diffusion angle of the speakers and the response speed. It is also related to the adjustment of the toe-in angle of the speakers. The system that is not delicate enough has halo, the body is too large and disproportionate, the cohesion and the sense of shape are not good, the music stage is not formed or the shape is incomplete, and the natural and huge size cannot be achieved. stage effects.

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