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Ordinary (speaker) sound generation principle

source:Industry News release time:2021-12-11 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XD18C Big sound bar Merchant

  Dielectric resonance hybrid sound, the sound principle, uses vibrator vibration sound + paper tympanic horn sound, we who often use speakers know that in addition to professional audio, ordinary ordinary audio bass is not enough, and the bass is good. The volume of the dots is generally not small. This is mainly because the speakers that use speakers for sound are greatly affected by the size of the sound unit body. Therefore, many multimedia speakers directly use a subwoofer and external speakers to fully expand the volume range of the sound unit body. There is a big limitation on the shape of audio speakers, which is why the speakers we see on the market are generally square and angular, and the bass effect is not very good.

  Acoustic interpretation

  Acoustic psychology

  When a tree fell down in the forest, there was a loud noise, but no one was in the virgin forest, so the sound was not heard. Does this count as a sound coming out? The sound is definitely coming out, because when tree trunks and branches touch the ground, they all produce certain sounds, but no one hears them, but the sounds are heard by humans or other animals. It is different, so this is what is called Psychoacoustics acoustically.

  Acoustic principles and history

  The acoustic principles I talk about here are mainly for a tuner to understand all aspects of acoustics, rather than conducting acoustic research, or master’s or doctor’s acoustic thesis, so the acoustic theories I’m talking about in this book are all It can actually be used by people who operate audio on site.

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