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Using stage acoustics to improve stage artistry

source:Industry News release time:2022-11-22 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

  XQ48 Bar sound bar Merchant

  What is stage artistry? How can stage acoustics improve the artistry of the stage? Next, let me explain it to you. First of all, the broad sense of stage art generally refers to all the skills displayed in the space of the stage, while the narrow sense of stage art specifically refers to the dramatic performance art. The stage sound is an indispensable part of the stage art, which is indispensable in various forms of stage comprehensive performance. And a good stage sound effect can not only improve the appeal of the stage scene, but also improve the artistic effect of the stage at the artistic level.

  1、 The Relationship between Stage Sound and Stage Art

  The stage sound effect is not a simple radio reception and sound reinforcement, but a centralized reproduction effect of coordination and integration of various art categories, a fusion of traditional music art and modern electronic technology, an artistic bridge that directly connects performers and viewers, and an indispensable part of stage art. The stage sound effect should also help the relationship between the overall image of the stage sound, the stage, the sound components and the audience. At the same time, the stage sound facilitators should join their own understanding and re creation to create a perfect art sound field. In addition to "reproduction", the artistry of the stage sound focuses on the reasonable use of stage sound means to render the stage atmosphere according to different forms of artistic expression, Strengthen the space of stage art.

  Sound source sound effect and non sound source sound effect are two basic components of stage sound effect. The stage sound coordinator uses various special technical instruments to reproduce various sounds or musical symbols on the stage, so as to contrast the inner world of stage characters, deepen the theme expressed by stage art, and make stage art more powerful. Generally speaking, different stage sound effects can contrast the emotions of different characters, and can express the appeal of different music, drama, drama and other elements. More importantly, through the delicate rendering of stage sound, the audience can deeply understand the contradictions, conflicts and emotional sublimation of characters or music, and more strongly give the stage sound its unique rendering power, This is also the most essential application of stage acoustics to enhance stage artistry.

  2、 Measures to improve stage artistry by using stage acoustics

  (1) Improve stage quality with the help of stage sound design

  The stage sound design is very important to the performance quality of the whole stage and is an indispensable part of the comprehensive performance. Therefore, it is one of the important measures to improve the stage quality and enhance the stage artistry with the help of the stage sound design. For example, in the singing of songs, it should be noted that the microphone should not be placed too close to the sound, so as to avoid feedback noise, which will affect the performance quality of the stage. In the stage where you talk and move, such as in a drama, The singer should also try to avoid walking in front of the speaker, but the speaker will generate strong feedback, break down the tweeter head of the speaker, burn out the tweeter, and also affect the stage quality. In addition, attention should be paid to adjusting the stage sound reverberation to improve the stage performance quality. By adjusting the length and frequency of the audio vibration, the voice can be processed very mellow and beautiful, so as to increase the sense of space and integration, But when there is no special effect requirement, the reverberation does not need to be turned on too much. Otherwise, too much reverberation will also damage the sound clarity, confuse the sound, and lose a lot of sound details. Therefore, a moderate stage sound can improve the stage quality.

  (2) Build a perfect stage atmosphere

  Stage atmosphere is a very comprehensive art, and its influence comes from all aspects. Stage sound is one of its important components. Without high-quality stage sound technology, a perfect stage atmosphere cannot be built. Stage sound effect and stage atmosphere are inseparable. The stage sound effect should not be abrupt, it should be the product of effective integration with the director's idea, stage central idea and other forms of artistic expression. Therefore, rehearsal before the performance is essential. The size, height and strength of the sound are determined repeatedly. Only through the coordination of the stage sound effects and the unified, harmonious and team matched movement of the coordination office can the perfect stage atmosphere be set off in the formal performance. The stage sound is related to whether the stage atmosphere of each performance can be perfectly displayed, which requires the sound mixer and sound engineer to master the performance of the equipment in advance, In the face of different situations or emergencies, no matter what type of microphone, different source locations and reception frequencies, it can perfectly cope with them and set off the most natural stage atmosphere.

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