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What problems should be paid attention to when designing the sound system of small theater to serve

source:Industry News release time:2022-11-07 Hits:     Popular:Brand bar audio wholesale

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  The sound system of the theater serves the stage performance and should maximize the performance of the stage. Therefore, the sound system is a high-quality sound transmission and display platform, so more attention should be paid to the effect in the selection of sound equipment and the design of theater sound system. Today, I would like to share with you the design points of the sound system of the small theater.

  1. Acoustic design

  The main contents of acoustic design include noise control and sound quality design, which also includes the shape design of the auditorium and sound quality control. Since most small theaters are built in quiet environments, the impact of external noise on the theater can be eliminated. Indoor noise is often controlled by setting sound insulation doors and purchasing sound insulation equipment.

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  2. Sound field uniformity

  Linear array speakers, according to the specific location and area of the audience area, form a "point" sound source array to effectively reduce the comb filtering effect of the array. The speakers selected are constant direction speakers, which is conducive to improving the language clarity. The audience area is within the coverage of the speakers.

  3. System operation management

  In the design, the operation habit and management convenience of the mixer are fully considered. The operation interface of the mixer is arranged according to the operation habit of the mixer, which is convenient and flexible; All audio processing equipment for main sound reinforcement in the system have password protection function and multi-mode sound field control and switching function, which is convenient for management.

  Before the acoustic design of a small theater, the acoustic design indicators and requirements that meet the theater environment and quality should be formulated through the study of the functions and design specifications of the small theater. Because the design level and requirements of each theater are different, but the standards for theater acoustic design are almost the same. They all pursue high-quality sound quality and high-quality environment.

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