Last Friday & Saturday nights were meant to be sleepless.If you passed TX Huaihai,you must have seen the massive queue from the bottom to the top of the mall for our different music flying out of MASTER.
Extra-ordinary music was delivered last weekend:
①MASTER 邀请 MIXMAG共躁 Techno之声
携手3位中国 Techno大师
Mickey Zhang , Emil Chang , TEN集结全城的Techno爱好者给你来一场顶尖Techno的最高体验
With 3 Chinese Techno maestros,Mickey Zhang, Emil Chang, TEN,attracting all Techno lovers in town,MASTER showed you a night of the finest Techno experience.
MASTER 作为“音乐大师”
不做“粘贴式派对”而是大胆尝试呈现整晚 Techno不同于其他的派对现场MASTER 坚持为不同的音乐流派 DJ 提供发声的舞台 As a maestro,instead of being a commercial copycat,we took a bold step forward,immersing the dancefloor with Techno all night long.Dedicated to our goal as the avant-garde,MASTER continues to provide a stage where talents in different genres can speak for themselves.
上海 MASTER CLUB “光影艺术互动空间”
Playing with music alongside MASTER’s producers is wizardly experience for you to enjoy different elements of sound.Violin live, orchestra, etc. that are fused into electronic live party are exactly the uniqueness we prepared only for you.
Not only does “breaking the cocoon” mean the birth of a new brand,it also signals a brave step forward of Chinese electronic music market.MASTER will always export various elements of sound to the public.And you, tonight, might keep telling yourself: